Home » Quizzes & Surveys » Contoh Reading TOEFLContoh Reading TOEFL Welcome to your Contoh Reading TOEFL Question 1-5You need to read this passage, because you will find the answer for the question below in this passage. The passage is usually quite long, but because it's only an example, so this passage is quite short.Question: This is the question for the passage above answer answer None You need to read this passage, because you will find the answer for the question below in this passage. The passage is usually quite long, but because it's only an example, so this passage is quite short.Question: This is the question for the passage above answer answer None (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); still an answer an answer answers answer None Still a question for the passage above answer answer None Still a question for the passage above answer answer None One more question for the passage above answer answer None Time's up